Is it possible to get so caught up in thought, in general, abstract terms that one forgets distinct incidents that otherwise contradict the basis of one's belief? I wonder if I have been so absorbed in finding something to blanket all that I know to justify the action's of other's in my mind; rolling around in philosophical ideas of human behaviour so I can sleep better at night 'knowing' to some extent that there is so grain of goodness in us all. In actuality am I trying to justify things I can't possibly understand?
A revision of my thought processes is necessary. Perhaps it would be better to say we have the capacity, the predisposition for goodness, and thus, for what society terms as 'wickedness/evilness' as well. Its even vaguer than before. I'm at square one. I need more reading material on this.
Say we learn most of what we believe to be right and just from Society and Culture; we might disagree with certain principles, but society and culture lay the foundation for our preconceptions of what behaviour and actions are good. While that allows for the rationalization and questioning of these learnt 'laws', where does it leave the rest of us who don't question? Who don't demand answers?
So does Society and Culture demand that we do not kill a fellow human being? In most cultures, yes. Not every, but most. But the idea that we might not form this consciousness, this superego as Freud would term it, unless the cultural context in which we live in provides us with these laws is rather daunting. The lack of thinking and reasoning of why we do what we do leaves a Deterministic tone--without thought, are we at the whim of our upbringing? Or do we innately know the value of human life? Yet there is slavery, genocides, cannibalism. Do they not show a disrespect for human life? If there is a biological part of us that knows it is wrong to take another human life unless it is out of self defense, how would one explain the aforementioned trio?
Let us put aside those who suffer from sociopathic disorders, schizophrenia or what have you. In a less gruesome example, if Society and Culture made it alright to lie, would we actually believe it to be wrong?
A bit of a rant I suppose. I'm watching
The Pianist, and am greatly affected by the movie, even knowing roughly some of the reasoning the Nazis had. There has to be a reason such a mass of people behaved the way they did---did they all do it with no nagging guilt eating at their hearts? I don't believe that. Not every one of them, at least. And what of Stalin's regime? In any case, I'll post a revision of sorts of this post in the morning when I can think straight. Sleep deprivation does wonders to the brain.